Meet Our Sponsors: Matthews Design Group


Matthews Design Group (MDG) is a proud supporter of SAPMS and the St Augustine Makers Fest!  MDG owner, Rob Matthews, attended Montessori school as a child where he grew up in Hilton Head, SC.  He loved Montessori and says he still can visualize the Montessori tools he used to learn in his classroom. Rob, his wife Keri and their family, have been part of the SAPMS family since its inception.  They helped fundraise to start the school and continued to raise money to grow the school along with donating engineering services when needed.  Their son greatly benefited from attending SAPMS and has transitioned well into public school given the foundation he was given at SAPMS.  The Matthews family continues to support SAPMS because they believe in the Montessori method of teaching and see the value this hands-on alternative style of teaching brings to our St. Augustine Community.  One size does not fit all when it comes to education.  Children learn in differernt ways and need to have options when it comes to their education.  Our community is richer for having charter schools such as SAPMS to serve children in St. Augustine.